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White bodysuits for newborns

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Many parents are afraid of light-colored items in the child's closet. There is no need to be afraid at all! In any case, there will be no stains on quality clothes!

Already decided to choose a white bodysuit for your baby? Read this article to learn more details on how to choose the best outfit for the baby!

How to choose the right white bodie for a newborn: the main criteria

Selecting a white bodysuit for a baby is no different from choosing other clothes for a newborn. The main points are:

  • natural composition of the fabric;
  • comfortable fit for the baby;
  • practicality for mom;
  • appropriate size;
  • suitable season.

Natural fabric is a guarantee of healthy skin for your baby! Look for cotton, interlock and other options on the labels.

Low-quality synthetic textiles provoke the appearance of allergies, irritation, dermatic problems, such as sweating.

If the child feels comfortable in clothes, then nothing prevents him from sleeping soundly and waking up in good spirits. Therefore, all buttons and any other fasteners should be located on the belly or under the butt. Seams sewn outside are the best cut option. Sewn-in labels should be avoided. You will not be able to cut them so that there are no pieces of fabric left at all.

The most comfortable are considered to be bodices with buttons on the butt and a specially sewn neck, which can expand to dress the baby through the legs.

If you doubt whether the new purchase will be in store, it is better to buy at once a size larger. At best, the baby will wear the purchased clothes for one week, and at worst not a single day. Clothing in a fit is too tight and restricts the movements of the child.

Assortment and advantages of white bodysuits for newborns from Flamingo Textile

In the assortment of the store "Flamingo" you will find a variety of white bodysuits for newborns, with prints and inscriptions. Our designers have developed a line of Ukrainian clothes, which are embroidered with the coat of arms of our country, traditional ornaments and written patriotic inscriptions.

We used different materials: interlock, kulir, stretch, lacosta and others. Most of the models are sewn from 100% natural raw materials, and the rest have more than 90-95% of natural materials in their composition. Textile, which we use for production, high quality, so it can withstand repeated washing, does not shrink, does not shed, does not stretch.

Our models are perfect for all seasons of the year. For winter we have created products with futon and fleece and high neck. For summer we have prepared white sleeveless bodysuits.

Thanks to the intuitive filter you can quickly find white bodysuits for discharge and baptism, so that on such a festive day the child looked stylish and beautiful.

Why a white baby bodysuit is worth buying in the store "Flamingo"

We have been working since 1996 and create a space where every parent can find support. We sell comfortable and practical clothing at an affordable cost that makes parenting easier.

We make premium quality products, so you don't have to worry at all about your baby's skin condition. Our products we would be proud to put on their children, because we are not worried about the quality.

In Ukraine delivery is free of charge courier services New Post and UkrPochta. In just a few days you will hold in your hands soft, comfortable and practical clothes for newborns.

Order right now to as soon as possible to assemble a closet for your baby!
