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Clothes for girls for 3-6 months

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In this article we will share the main criteria, how to choose clothes for girls 3-6 months, where to buy the best baby clothes in Ukraine and why outfits from "Flamingo" are the highest quality and safe for the baby.

Criteria for choosing clothes for a girl of 3-6 months

A girl up to six months is still quite small and sensitive to the world around her. Therefore, you need to buy things for this age with caution. The main selection criteria:

  1. The naturalness of the fabric.
  2. High quality.
  3. Comfortable cut.
  4. Properly selected size.
  5. Seasonality.

Let's analyze each item separately.

The naturalness of the fabric. The infant is sensitive to the fabric that fits the body. Therefore, it is worth buying clothes only because of natural fabrics, which does not cause allergic reactions and dermatitis. Synthetic stuff retains moisture and heat, so the child sweats more, the risk of developing sweating increases.

High quality. The fabric should withstand repeated washing, retaining its original good condition. Therefore, we recommend buying things only from manufacturers with a good reputation, who monitor the quality of their goods. If you have doubts about the reputation of the store, ask on the forums of moms and your friends and acquaintances, ask for documents and certificates from the store.

Convenience of cut. The thing should be designed so that it was easy for mom to dress the baby. Avoid excessive decoration: buttons, bows and clasps.

Size. Do not buy your child clothes for growing up, because children grow quickly, jumping and unpredictable. You can never be sure what size your child will be in 2-3 months. The best solution is to buy your child clothes according to their current size.

Seasonality. For summer give preference to light knitted fabrics, and for winter buy clothes with fleece, futher, velour.

What offers online store "Flamingo" as clothing for girls 3-6 months

We will collect a full set of clothes for small children up to six months. We offer bodysuits, raspashonki, pants, little people and so on. At us you will find different variations of cut and color.

During the creation of collections we focus on convenience and practicality for the mother. Therefore, all our customers note how convenient it is to quickly change a child's clothes, change a diaper without removing the top floor of the clothes.

We use high quality fabrics, so they do not deteriorate over time, do not shed, do not stretch, do not lose their original qualities after repeated washings.

If you have difficulties with the selection of clothes for a girl 3-6 months, do not hesitate to call our managers at the numbers listed on the site. We will gladly give you a consultation and help you find the perfect outfit for your little girl.

Where to buy baby clothes for a girl 3-6 months old

The easiest way to order baby clothes directly from our website at the most favorable cost. Browse the catalogs, choose the options that suit you and reflect the individual character of your child. We have an assortment of over 2000 models of children's clothing.

You have the opportunity to visit our physical store in Horishni Plavni, Naberezhna 51. There you can feel the softness of our fabrics, feel how nice they are. We use only those fabrics that do not irritate the delicate skin of the baby.

We sew things that we would wear on our own children. Therefore, our clothes are of high quality, affordable prices, practicality and versatility.

Order clothes right now and become part of a big family "Flamingo"!
